本書 第Ⅴ章「例題論文を用いたクリティークの実際」で用いた論文
1. 事例研究(p.281)
Yamada E, Yatokoro K, Yamakawa M, Yayama S, et al. Assessment and care of visuospatial disorientation in a mixed dementia patient : a case study using objective measurements. Psychogeriatrics 2016 Jul; 16 (4) : 277-282. ▶ 論文概要和訳
2. 郵送調査(p.288)
Tsukasaki K, Kanzaki H, Kyota K, et al. Prepared-ness for Protecting the Health of Community-Dwelling Vulnerable Elderly People in Eastern and Western Japan in the Event of Natural Dis-asters. Journal of Community Health Nursing, 33: 2, 107-116, 2016. ▶▶ 論文概要和訳
3. 尺度を用いた測定(p.295)
Higami Y, Yamakawa M, Kang Y, et al. Prevalence of incontinence among cognitively impaired older residents in long-term care facilities in East Asia: a cross-sectional study. Geriatrics & Gerontology International. 2019; 19: 444–450. ▶▶ 論文概要和訳
4. 追跡調査(p.303)
Matsunaga-Myoji Y, Fujita K, Makimto K, et al. Three-year follow-up study of physical activity, physical function, and health-related quality of life after total hip arthroplasty. The Journal of Arthroplasty Accepted for publication, Jul. 24, 2019. ▶▶ 論文概要和訳
5. 介入研究(p.311)
Ueki S, Niinomi K, Takashima Y, et al. Effec-tiveness of aromatherapy in decreasing mater-nal anxiety for a sick child undergoing infusion in a paediatric clinic. Complement Ther Med. 2014 Dec; 22 (6) :1019-26. ▶▶ 論文概要和訳
6. 質的研究(記述・質的研究全般)(p.318)
Wiens V, Kyngäs, H, Pölkki T. The meaning of seasonal changes, nature, and animals for adolescent girls’ wellbeing in northern Finland: A qualitative descriptive study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health & Well-Being, 11, 2016. ▶▶ 論文概要和訳
7. 尺度開発(p.324)
Inoue M, Shiozawa K, Yoshihara R, et al. The Japanese LupusPRO : A cross-cultural valida-tion of an outcome measure for lupus. Lupus. 2017 Jul; 26 (8) : 849-856. ▶▶ 論文概要和訳
8. システマティックレビュー(p.331)
Matsunaka E, Ueki S, Makimoto K. Impact of breastfeeding and/or bottle-feeding on surg-ical wound dehiscence after cleft lip repair in infants: A systematic review. Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery, 47(4): 570-577, 2019. ▶ 論文概要和訳
Web限定 クリティーク & 論文概要(本書には未掲載)
Yayama S, Yamakawa M, et al. Discrepancy bet-ween subjective and objective assessments of wandering behaviors in dementia as measured by the Algase Wandering Scale and the IC tag monitoring system. Psychogeriatrics. 2013; 13: 80–87. (Web) ▶▶ クリティーク|論文概要和訳
Tanimoto C, Yayama S, Suto S, et al. Self-harm and Suicide Attempts in a Japanese Psychia-tric Hospital. East Asian Archives of Psychia-try. 2018; 28: 23-27 ▶▶ クリティーク|論文概要和訳
Higuchi A, Higami Y, Yamakawa M, et al. Poten-tial underreporting of medication errors in psy-chiatric general hospital in Japan. Inter-national Journal of Nursing Practice 2015; 21 (Suppl. 2): 2–8. ▶▶ クリティーク|論文概要和訳
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例 題 論 文